The Title Bar contains a number of functions, the default ones of which are generally: Print, Legend, Settings, Tooltip and Help.

The Print option from the Title Bar works in the same manner as the Print function from the Export Toolbar.
See Print under Application > Toolbars > Export for more information.

The Legend tool will display a pop-up legend which displays only Visible Layers.
See Layers under Application > Sidebar for more information.

Various functions including:
- View account details and log out options
- Toggle start options such as Modules and Views
- Save changes made to Layers
- Reorder Modules and Search Forms
- Toggle Touch Mode on/off depending on the type of device being used

Tooltip and Feature Outlines.
- Show Tooltips: if configured and enabled, users can hover their cursor over a feature and a tooltip will display data that would also display in the Information Panel if a selection were made
- Show Feature Outlines: when enabled, users can hover their cursor over a feature and a blue line will display around the feature that is hovered over

IntraMaps Help and About information.
- Help: users can either navigate the hierarchy from the Contents tab or search for a term in the Search tab to find help and assistance
- About: view the details and information around the current version of IntraMaps